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Friday, October 29, 2004
I know i don't post here very often, but when i do, i like to believe i have something important to say. Just about everyone likes to believe that he or she has something significant to contribute in a democratic society, from time to time. After all, isn't that what its all about; everyone's voice being heard. Even the old homeless crazy guy, walking down the street, mumbling things aloud, is expressing his opinion.
Away, today, i'd like to address the issue, in America, of the myth that religion and wholsomness belong to the Republican conservative right-wing. I think the common perception is that Dems are liberal and therefor more decadent than the Rep right. First, most of that is based on talk, and the corporate-owned media repeats it over and over again. And, corporate America is just using the ignorant religious right for its own goal--power and greed.
If the religious right took the time to study their Scriptures, they would learn that just because they claim to have a lock on "faith", over the "liberal dems", faith is Not everything. In fact, Christ said that a person can have all the faith in the world and be able to move mountains, but without something else, that person has "nothing"! Christ asked which is greatest of "faith, hope, and charity". Charity is the greatest. Read 1st Corinthians, ch. 13, and you will see that, in God's eyes, charity is greater than faith and hope, and without charity, though one has faith to move mountains, one has "nothing". Charity is the act of giving from the heart, to those less fortunate. But its more than just sending a check to your favorite "charity", it is a way of life. It is helping others wherever and whenever we see a need, daily.


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