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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
you know what? i think a lot of us are disgusted, discouraged, and fed up, not just with the criminal republicans in office, but also with the chicken-shit democrats, who allowed the election to be stolen Again, through voter machine tampering of unsecured, no paper trail, so-called voting machines, owned by republican-supporting interests; through voter fraud and intimidation; through outright disenfranchisement, etc. shame on you dems for standing by and letting this happen!! do you think we're all stupid??!! you dems failed us in 2000 too, when Not one senator stood up to object to bush's selection, not even so-called liberals like traitor ted kennedy. don't you think a Lot of us are seeing what you elitists are trying to do---turn America into a 'country-club' democracy??!!!well, while there may well be a lot of stupid rednecks here in America, there are a Lot more people who are waking up to your elitist reality; and when the draft starts, and you start stealing our children, while babying your own, and when gas prices reach $3. a gal., and when state and local taxes become too much burden, remember we are still Americans, and we will follow in our Founding Fathers' footsteps, and you better pray to God we haven't reached the attitude of peasantry of the 18th century French revolution, because, you know that pampering your elite generation got, by not participating in your parents Vietnam war, and the pampering you've done with your brats during both gulf wars?, well, that has weakened your incestuous lines even more, and since you've left no part of the Earth unscorched and without poverty, there will be No place for the elite to hide, because revolution in America will mean worldwide rebellion. thus far, the elite have kept us divided and fighting each other, but the internet, modern communications and travel are uniting us more and more every day, and soon, there will be enough of us who realize what's going on, and we Will make a difference! and for all you so-called God-fearing Christians, who put all your eggs into the "faith" basket, i ask you the same thing Christ asked in 1st Corinthians, 'Of faith, hope, and charity, which is the greatest'? if you're smart enough, or Christian enough to know the answer, then you know that even with faith enough to move mountains, (and i've seen no one, on Earth, with that much faith), without charity, you have Nothing!!!Bryant was right, over a hundred years ago; 'democrats and republicans are tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee'!you people got us all worked up and excited, we did more than most before us, to make a change, and what did we get, one elitist surrendering all our efforts and hard work to his elitist 9th cousin, not with a bang, but with a whimper!i feel really sorry for all the elitists, when those, more attuned to the sword are awakened by those of us more inclined to the pen. and, it is only a matter of time, before those of action join us of words, just as Washington joined Paine.


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