Thoughts and links on current issues and history and more

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Thursday, December 16, 2004
At this point in the USA election process, the silence of the mainstream media, especially the national television networks, (in regards to the over 57,000 election process complaints nationwide, the election fraud being uncovered in both Florida and Ohio, the order of recounts in several states by other presidential candidates), indicates, at the very least, a woefull violation of journalistic ethics and media responsibility, or at worst, a willing cooperation with others, who are also violating the law of the land---The Constitution!! In doing so, they commit treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Considering that each mainstream media network, (nbc, abc, cbs, fox, cnn, msnbc,), is owned and run by members of America's wealthiest 200 families, and considering that this election could effect the condition of their wallets, i would say that the latter of the above stated choices was true, since corporate america favors their Republican candidates over the once "populist" Democrats, (although there are plenty of corporate Democrat leaders, as well). And, they probably really wouldn't object to the corporate kerry that much. I dare say, they would accept the corporate clinton or schumer, as well.
The problem is, there are only a few families, (probably about a dozen, or so), that make the final decisions, in this country, and right now, their vast majority are adament for a final push into the new corporate order, an order which intends to enslave us and our children, and our children's children; an enslavement of poverty, disease, violence, intimidation, fear, death, torture, starvation, forced labor, terror, and more.
Is this what we want for our children and loved ones???! Then, we've got to stand up and fight, and do whatever is necessary to prevent such evil from befalling us. There are lots of things we can do to stop a complete corporate take-over of the entire planet. But, 1st we have to know How we got here! Otherwise, we'll never be able to truely escape corporate tyranny. (When i refer to the word "corporate" here, i am referring Only to the Fortune 500 group. There are many local corps. that do good for their communities.).
This will obviously be a very annotated version of our history, but i will include many links, including to gov't. sites, the Bible, mainstream media including "local", and others.
We must begin by realizing that, right from the beginning, there was elite leadership, and that the rank and file have been at odds with their leaders from the start. When America won its revolution against England, over 90% of those who spilled their blood were non-landowners. Yet, when the Founding Fathers set up governance, they renegged on a promise to involve all those who fought so bravely for independence, in the say of their government. But, we must also remember to keep things in perspective. For their time, our Founding Fathers were Very liberal, (and that's before the word "liberal" got attached to so much crap during the Cold War). They were also Very wise men for being so many at one time in one place. They were smart enough to realize that royalty wasn't the only threat to American-style democracy, but corporations could be just as evil a threat. So, for the most part, corporations were strictly limited accross the former 13 colonies. They were limited to a maximum 5 year existence, and their activities were limited to charitable and public works projects Only! And, Jefferson, denied the re-charter of the national Bank, believing there should be No national corporations, only small, well-controled state corporations. This was after all, the beginning of the Industrial Age, and great wealths could be made, that might exceed the wealths of the present landed aristocracy and mercantile elite.
The elite were not limited to our Founding Fathers, they also included the ranks of the Torries, with even closer ties to Brittish royalty. The Torries did everything, but personally fight, (and why should they shed their blood, when they could afford to shed the blood of a thousand other men), to prolong the war, (on behalf of their Brittish royal patron, King George and family), and caused many unnecessary deaths and maimings of the new Americans. These Torries had enormous wealth, but the Founding Fathers were in the majority and had the backing of the populace. Not eliminating these Torries, after the Revolution, would come back to haunt the experimental democracy the Founding Fathers had created. Among the 1st of their treasonas acts was to create "secret societies", in and out of colleges, to subvert, in any way possible, the fledgling democracy, through power gained from wealth.
By the 1820s, "populism" broke out again, and under Jackson, the white non landowner won the right to vote. But, each time suffrage is expanded, the elite find ways of preserving their wealth and therefor their power. (That is why you find that both GW Bush and Kerry are related to Brittish royalty; bloodlines which date back to the "Dark Ages" of feudalism.). Because of our Founding Fathers' liberalism and popularity, it took until the 1840s for the decendents of the feudal lords and the Torries, to grasp control of American power. It was during this time that the national bank was re-created. Soon after, America would embark on empire-building, with the Mexican War and the conquest of Hawaii. By this time, railroad, steel, banking, and other robber-barons were gaining more and more power; enough power to corrupt even the American gov't. But, the people were not ready to let go of the ideas and idealism of the Revolution. And, there were great power struggles between the elites, with the Torrie/feudal lord group gaining ever more power. By the 1850s, "the writing was on the wall". The elite prepared for the struggle by redirecting the populace's discontent to Civil War, and duping a good-hearted young man into becoming the leader of the new cause to "free" the slaves. When Lincoln's usefullness was done, he was disposed of. From the end of the Civil War on, the "old guard" elite, from feudal days, would rule America, and eventually the world. After the Civil War, "populism" didn't arise again until the Guilded Age, the age of the robber baron. The "Wild West" years would commence following the Civil War. Many of these "outlaws" were fighting what they saw to be the vast inequities between the average American and the robber-baron elite, especially the railroad and banking interests. By the end of the 19th century, the robber-baron feudal elite were powerful enough to compete with their worldwide counterparts, to challenge them for global supremacy.
But, then came the "Populists" to challenge the oppression of the robber-baron elite, especially the Rockefellars. While many Americans lived in poverty and unsanitary conditions, elites like the Hearst's and Rockefellars were competing to see who could build the biggest, most ostentatious mansions and castles in America. Once again, a few changes were made to quiet the rebellion, but within a dozen years, the elite were moving ahead again with their feudalistic intentions. In the early 1900s, the agregious Federal Reserve was created, putting America's financial future officially into the hands of the international banking elite. (This triumph is still celebrated by the decendents of those elitists, who remain on the Fed's board of directors. That's right, the same families that were on the 1st board are still the board members of 2004.). The income tax also reared its ugly head. Supreme Court decisions were unscrupulously in favor of big business. People became discontented once again, by the opulent shows of wealth of the elite, while the rest of the population became even poorer. So, the elite brought us WW1 and the 1st modern plague, the influenza bug. Between the 2, the earth's population was substantially reduced, which made the elite happier, because the vast majority of lost human life came from the poorer populations around the world. And, the elite would follow these atrocities with the Great Depression, in response to the public trying to organize, mainly through unions. And, mainly in response to the "Progressives", like LaFollette of Wisconsin, and Huey Long of Louisianna. Even the elite Roosevelt family, (like Julius Caesar did centuries earlier), felt things had gone to far and tried to come to some aid of the public. Teddy brought forth many restraints upon the accumulation of wealth by the elite, through anti-trust and other laws. In retalliation, the world got the stock market crash heard round the world, in 1929, followed by the Great Depression and open gang warfare in the streets of NY and Chicago, and other major cities.
After the Great Depression of the 1930s, Franklin realized the overwhelming burden put on the backs of average Americans, and realizing too that a starved, oppressed, half dead workforce was useless even to the elite. By the beginning of WW11, a whole new social structure was in place, to provide a minimal "safety net" for those other than just the elite. It was during this time that the elite began, in earnest, to establish the worldwide corporate empire. It was also at this time that the elite sought to "create" a "super race" of mindless laborers, who wouldn't complain and who could do the work of several average human beings. They chose and financed Germany's Hitler, (who was actually born in Austria), to build the corporate fascist state prototype. America's elite, including Prescott Bush, (the grandfather of the current American ruler), and the families that ran GE, Ford, GM, IBM, AT&T, Chase/Morgan Bank, and others financed and, through their media, promoted Hitler and his fascist state. They supplied fascist armaments, funding, and everything Hitler needed to conquer Europe. But, Hitler let his own meager power go to his head, and when he attacked England, the elite decided he had gone too far. Much of WW11 was a disquise for a power-struggle, among the elite, to gain control of the vast fossil fuel energy sources, in the Middle and far East, as it was to promote the new corporate fascist state. When the war was over, America's elite emerged as the new world empire power. The 1st modern corporate fascist state had failed, and fascism was as discredited as the elite's earlier experiment, the communist state. The Cold War, which followed, was a further guise for the elite to continue transferring public wealth into their own pockets, by profiting from the arms race, because controlling the military-industrial complex, of any society, is Key to maintaining power!!!
The next major popular uprising occured in the late 1950s and the 1960s, popularly known as the "60s". There was a youth rebellion to the IBM stuffed-shirt image, the elite wanted to promote; an image of good little workers all in a row. Tract housing and comformity were the order of the day. At the same time, there was much unrest in the Black community, because they had just helped fight another American war and were still inhibited by injustices left over from a century earlier. There were poll taxes, separate eating and rest room facilities, all sub-standard to the white man's, and lynchings and more, throughout the south and midwest, and things weren't much better up north. A hundred years later and you wonder why we shed the blood of 600,000 American citizens, in a war, the textbooks tell us, was fought to free the Black man. Can there ever be true freedom for any disenfranchised, even in the illusion that is "American democracy"???!
This mixture of groups, including "peace and love" hippies opposing the Viet nam war, the civil rights movement, the poor, and later women and gays and others, temporarily united, to create the next great "populist movement" in America, opposing the policies of the elite.
Now, here is where history is close enough to the present generation, for it to be able to grasp the meaning of the following; These movements were All put to rest through "divide and conquer", (especially using the mainstream media), and systematic slaughter of the movements' leaders, including members of their own class, such as the Kennedys.
This feudal elite which 1st regained control of American power by the mid 19th century, was becoming more greedy and more evil with each passing generation. They networked society's proffessionals, religious leaders, politicians, law enforcement, media(which they owned), created think tanks, civic organizations, political training, and worked with strategically placed professionals, such as journalists and judges and other key individuals and groups in societal structure. They created an image of America, which was merely an illusion---the rags to riches potential of America over other countries. This ensured the continuous flow of cheap foreign labor into the American labor market, keeping American wages down. The world's poor have been knocking on America's door, in the hopes of achieving the illusive dream that is "America", since the time of the Founding Fathers.
The key strategy that they use on the public as a whole, is "divide and conquer", whether it be through war, civil strife, race divisions, religious differences, etc. This and bribe, blackmail, or kill off the people in society's "key" positions. These victims, and or accomplices, included Guevera, Kennedys, King, Malcolm X, major figures in the rock movement, labor movement, gov't., religion, the media, etc. Whatever they cannot corrupt and co-opt, they destroy, (and, often they prefer destruction over co-opt, unless it will make them richer to corrupt and co-opt). In the 1980s, without a major war to keep the flow of average Americans' money flowing into the pockets of the feudal aristocracy, we saw the emergence of the leveraged buyout, jobs transferred to cheap overseas labor, tax law changes favoring the wealthy, junk bonds, S&L and banking scandals, the CIA, (the elite's ket intelligence organization), putting new dangerous drugs on American main streets, in order to raise money for weapons for S. American, elite-sponsored, guerrillas to overthrow legitimate gov'ts. in S. America, so that corporate america could re-establish its enslavement policies, in the region; (an action which the American public opposed and the Congress voted illegal).
That brings us to today's "populist movement", again with the anti-corporate theme. In this era, we know the corporate fascist state by its new name---"globalism". The elite we are dealing with today are far more capable of much greater evils than their ancestors were, in the "Dark Ages".
So, by using such methods as stirring up hatred, using the race card and most popularly, the religious card, the elite keep us divided, and when we do unite, they co-opt or kill off the leadership of populist movements. They form temporary alliegences, (as with the mafia, oppressive dictators, and other criminal elements), to distract and terrorize the public even more. They use wars and economic pressures to punish us. And, they are capable of far worse, including unleashing a devastating world plague, or using a nuclear device on a segment of the population, especially if they feel cornered, (being as closely related to rats as they are).
So, how do we get out of our present situation? We either stand and fight or we surrender our and our childrens' future to their corporate enslavement. Many will say, "My God, a plague or a nuclear holocaust; maybe we should just let them have their way." Their way includes torture, enslavement, terror, fear, poverty, environmental diseases, slow and painful deaths, etc., not only for us, but for future generations, as well. Their plan for entire world conquest is very near completion. We must act very soon, or it will be a moot point. I, for one, prefer to die for freedom than to choose enslavement for myself and others.
I fear that the election fraud protests, the war protests, the environmental protests, and all the other protests will eventually have to be taken to a higher degree of action. I fear revolution will be the only way of breaking the chains of corporate fascist feudal power. And, we must be prepared to take this unavoidable step, and the consequences that may likely result, because until we have completely rid the world of this elite class that has been gaining power for over a thousand years, we shall never be free. Sure, many argue that a new class of elite will spring up to take their place. I agree that this is an inevitable act of historic repetition.
However, we must keep 2 things in perspective, #1, the demise of this elite class will give others, of similar desires, pause to think about what could happen to them. This alone, will spare the next generation or 2.
2nd, and most importantly, it took over a thousand years for the current elite to acquire enough power to attempt to re-create feudalism in society. This will give reprieve to several generations, and by that time, hopefully we will have evolved into a more fair, equality-based, more peaceful human race.


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