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Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year to all. But, i fear, for many, it will be far from happy. Around the world, especially in 3rd world countries, the Christian calendar new year, is already bringing much sorrow into hundreds of millions of lives, especially those who are of other than the Christian faith. I don't believe this is the "hand of God" punishing sinners. I believe that this is more "Satan's work" than to believe God would strike dead millions of innocent children and babies. We may be nearing the culmination of the "1000 year rule of the devil". And, to me, "satan", or the devil, if you prefer, is nothing more than the culmination of evil in the world. And, "evil" comes from within, starting with such "sins" as greed, jeolousy, envy, etc., feelings that lead to action sins like murder, stealing, torture, etc.
In the Bible, it says that the "love of money is the root of all evil". Now, let's be sure we understand this; "the love of money", i believe we can interpret simply as greed, especially considering that "greed" is considered one of the "7 deadly sins". Greed, then, is the "root"; the "root" being the source of "life" for "all evil", not just some, or most, but "all" evil.
(Why i believe we are nearing the end of the "thousand-year rule of satan", is based on Old Testament, New Testament, Greek, Masadonian, etc. writings. In the Old Testament, God says that the people he hated the most because of all their evil, were the people of Gog and Magog, not Egyptians, Syrians, Babylonians, etc., but Magog and Gog; a land lying at the north part of the caucuses mountains, as according to the Scriptures. God says He will lock these people away from the rest of the Earth, with iron and bronze, for a thousand years, then, he will unleash their evil upon the Earth for one thousand years, the "rule of the devil". Sometime in the last couple of centuries BC, Alexander The Great is said to have sealed a passage at the south of the caucuses mountains, with iron and bronze, at the request of peoples in his empire, which were complaining about the pillaging hordes from the mountains. In the 9th century ad, the Khazar Empire, (which occupies the same land territory as the old Kingdoms of Gog and Magog, in the northern caucuses mountains, found their isolated situation and very existence in grave jeopardy. They were in the middle of the crossroads of the "Holy Crusades", and Christians from the west and Muslims from the east were converging in battle in the Khazar Kingdom. As their peoples were more and more drawn into the wars, the leaders sought a solution to the impending peril. So, the Khazar Kings decreed that all the peoples of the Khazar Kingdom should convert to Judaism. Thus, they were left mainly in peace after their "conversion". Now remember, this was not a "conversion" of "faith", so much as it was of convenience and "necessity". This new group of "Jews", (and obviously, i question their validity of them even calling themselves real Jews), went on to become the bulk of the Eastern European Jews of today. By the middle ages, this group was also associated with much of European wealth, including the famed Knights Templar and the Knights of Malta monies. And, what better method to evil ends than the control of the world money systems. These monies fueled the great evil feudal empire system, that suppressed and tortured many innocent serfs and others. These were the same feudal systems that bred the Spanish and other European Inquistions. It is these same so-called "Jews" who were resettled in the new state of Israel, in 1948. And, if you read the Bible, you will find that God said the Jews must wonder the Earth, without a homeland, (because of their evil backsliding and worship of the "Golden Calf", symbol of money, while they were in the dessert, and Moses was getting the "10 Commandments"), until God, "in person" came back to establish their new homeland. Now, i don't know about you, but i don't recall where God was personally present, in 1948, when the state of Israel came into being. So, therefore, i cannot recognize Israel as the homeland of the real people of God. Also, the "final battle" in the Bible is Not "Armageddon". Read it, God will fight the "final battle", several years after "Armageddon, with God's arch enemy peoples of Gog and Magog, and that battle will be fought in the "hills of Jeruselum"; further evidence that the people of Magog inhabit the homeland of the "Jews" today. Also, there are Many Jews who believe in the Bible and also do not believe that present day Israel is the promised Jewish homeland. They still faithfully await God's return for the establishment of their homeland.
Anyway, it is based on those "historical" references that i believe we are nearing the end of the"1000 yr. rule of evil".)
Now, to get back to the events of this new year; with the "root of all evil" being the "love of money", the greediest people in the world are running it today. Their monies are heavily invested in war-making capabilities, energy, and drugs, (legal and illicit), and these same people are in charge of making national policies. Prime example being GW Bush and cabinet, as well as much of the Congress and Court heirarchy. Bush family investments are mainly in oil, defense, and pharmaceuticals. The present Iraq war has boosted the Bush family income by several hundred percent over the last 3 years. And, this Is a direct conflict of interest in the Bush presidency, because of the way that the trusts, from the family investment profits, are set-up. They are distributed in much the same way as the bin Laden family monies, which means each sibling and parent receives an equal share of the profit distributions.
I can't understand why people, especially so-called Christians, can't see why this Iraq war, and many other Bush policies, are directly connected to Bush's and other elites bank accounts, and not to sound policy for America.
Maybe, this will be the year of the "great awakening" of the American public. That is my new year's wish.


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