Thoughts and links on current issues and history and more

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Monday, May 24, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Amendment 3
"Amendment 3 - Quartering of Soldiers. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.'
Pretty self-explanatory.
Posted by bob at 7:36 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 2
"Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This Amendment was meant more for the citizens to protect themselves from an over-reaching federal government, as much as defence from invasion.
Posted by bob at 7:32 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 1
Ah, finally, the Amendments. The 1st 10 are very key, as they were added by our Founding Fathers, and are called "The Bill of Rights".
"Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The Founding Fathers used very specific language in framing these 10 Amendments, because they wanted to be sure that our rights would not be jeaprodized.
No laws respecting religion and No prohibitions on exercising one's religious beliefs. Or "abridging" the freedom of speach. Webster's defines "abridge" as follows;
1 a archaic : deprive b : to reduce in scope : diminish This makes "free speech zones" unConstitutional!
Posted by bob at 7:19 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Amendment 10
"Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

In other words, if its not covered in the Constitution, the federal government has No right to interfere. Mandatory health insurance is UnConstitutional! The Founding Fathers wanted as little government as possible and wanted to keep government out of our private lives, out of our bedrooms, out of our personal matters!
Posted by bob at 4:31 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 9
"Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

One part of the Constitution can not be used to deny other Constitutional rights to USA citizens.
Posted by bob at 4:28 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 8
"Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Ratified 12/15/1791.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted"

Torture is UnConstitutional!!!!
Posted by bob at 4:27 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 7
"Amendment 7 - Trial by Jury in Civil Cases. Ratified 12/15/1791.

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

When a judge lowers a jury-awarded settlement, the judge is violating the 7th Amendment!
Posted by bob at 4:25 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Amendment 6
"Amendment 6 - Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses. Ratified 12/15/1791.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

Gitmo and the "Patriot Act" are made invalid by this Amendment. The UnConstitutional "patriot act" allows the government to use "secret" witnesses and testimony against an accused without allowing the accused to face the accusers! And, sitting in Gitmo waiting for justice for several years is also a violation of the 6th Amendment!
Posted by bob at 4:16 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Anendment 5
Ah, the famous, 'I plead the 5th'. This Amendment protects us against double jeopardy and self-incrimination.
"Amendment 5 - Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings. Ratified 12/15/1791.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Posted by bob at 4:12 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Amendment 4
"Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
FISA is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! PERIOD. Obama and Bush, and probably a lot of other ex-presidents and VPs, and the execs of a lot of communications companies should be found guilty of violating our rights, because of their illegal spying on us.
Posted by bob at 7:37 PM
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Before we go any further, let me make one correction involving just who, "We the people" meant to our Founding Fathers. The majority of them considered only male landowners should have a say in running the government. In the 1820s, Jackson expanded this group to include all free white men. The Civil War technically openned the door to black males to vote, but the repression of that segment of the voting population continues even today, under the USA's 1st black president. Women wouldn't get the vote until the 1900s, and by that time, it really didn't matter much anymore, because the upper class white males had pretty much gained hold of the upper echelons of both major parties and control of the voting system. That control is maintained today through the use of fraudulent electronic voting machines, the corporate mainstream media, the electoral college, and in the bush case, the criminals on the Supreme Court.
Posted by bob at 1:11 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
US Constitution piece by piece
I think we need to go through the Constitution and understand just what our Founding Fathers intended for the USA; and they wanted to make it so the common man could understand it, so the language is very simple and direct.
Let's start with the Preamble, or introduction; this is basically a summary of what the Founding Fathers hoped to achieve with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The key words here are, "We the people...." These words state that we have a government made of all Americans. We are the government, not a king, not an upper class, and not the rich.
2nd, "in Order to form a more perfect Union" means that we want the best we can get for all, so that all members are as satisfied as possible without causing detriment to any.
3rd, "establish Justice"; justice involves fairness in the legal field, based on the "Golden Rule" of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you.
4th, "insure domestic tranquility" means to keep our nation safe and peaceful for all.
5th, "provide for the common defence"; keeping everyone safe from foreign attack.
6th, "promote the general Welfare". Now, this part is usually glossed over and given little attention. What it really means is that the gov't. should be used to make the nation stronger, healthier, happier, and smarter because the Founding Fathers knew that a healthy, strong, and smart people are key to the success of the nation.
7th, "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". This means that Americans should have as much freedom as possible to live their lives the way they want to without harming others in the process, and prosperity should be available to all.
8th, "do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
this is the law of our land.
Next time, Article 1:
Posted by bob at 7:11 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Saturday, December 26, 2009
So, how do we solve the problem? Well, other than revolution, there is no 'quick fix'. We have to invest in the long-term. We must educate our children! Every high school freshman should have at least one full semester in social studies or history that should focus completely on the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!! Another full semester should be dedicated to the writings of our Founding Fathers, including Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Paine, Madison, Monroe, etc.
Only after we have a fresh mindset about what our Founding Fathers really intended in their great democratic experiment called the United States of America, will we be able to return to their best intentions, and continue that great experiment, despite the greedy monied interests!
Posted by bob at 3:18 PM 0 comments Links to this post
The 'traitors' amongst us, Congress! Congress has All kinds of power guaranteed it by the Constitution, but it has illegally 'chosen' to abrogate those powers time and time again. It has given its war powers to the executive branch since WW11, it created a national police force in direct conflict with the Constitution, and more!

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
Posted by bob at 2:59 PM 0 comments Links to this post
"The Congress shall have Power"
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"
Thomas Jefferson on the banks;

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)"

James Madison in opposition to a 'national bank';

"History records that the money changers have used
every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible
to maintain their control over governments
by controlling the money and its issuance."

And, many other Founding Fathers opposed monied interests influence on government. That's why Congress was given power over the government's, (hence, "We the people"),
monetary and finance systems. Congress had No right to violate the Constitution, by abrogating that power to the private monied interests!
This was where "We the people" began to lose control of our gov't.
Posted by bob at 2:34 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Let's face it, folks, our gov't. is broken!
They want to blame it on everything else; "the healthcare system is broken", "the education system is broken", and so on. But, these are only symptoms of the real illness, our broken government.
The biggest problem is comprehending just how big the problems are and how far back into history they go, and exactly what's at the root of our problems. A lot of the 'baby-boomer' generation might trace our problems back to the 60's, but, in truth, the roots go much further back in history, to the Anti-bellum Period, just prior to the Civil War.
After the 'American Democratic Experiment' began, in 1776, the nation was feeling its way forward. No one knew for sure if it would work or not, and no one even knew how to go about ruling a nation, based on democratic principles. And, its true, the Founding Fathers limited "democracy" to the land-owning males. But, Jackson would expand "democracy" to even the poor males in society, and the number of voters multiplied within a 4-year election span. The biggest battle the US government faced up to that time, was the battle over a "national bank". And, until the 1840s or so, the banking interests mostly lost the battles. Jackson, like Jefferson and many of the Founding Fathers, feared the potential power and corruption of a legitimized national bank. (That was a big reason for puting the minting of money into Congress' hands only.)
Posted by bob at 12:00 PM

Friday, November 06, 2009
Well, we are now into the 11th month of the Obama Administration with a Democrat Congress. So far 'the great black hope' has been a major disappointment. We still have 2 ongoing wars, telecoms are still spying, renditions are still allowed, our children's earnings have been used to bail out rich bankers, healthcare legislation has been gutted and turned into a major transfer of wealth to the insurance execs through compulsory insurance provisions, and the list goes on!
When will we finally realize that what William Jennings Bryant said, over a hundred years ago, is as true now as it was then; 'there is no difference between the Democrat and Republican parties, they are "tweedle dum and tweedle dee". They are both in the pockets of 'corporate america'. We Need a New Party Now!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Wow, it's been a lot longer than i thought! Anyway, i was reading an article, in LaMonde, today, (April 17, 2007), about the French intelligence agency knowing all about "911", well in advance. They said the information was passed on to the CIA as early as Jan., 2001.
The part of the article that interests me most, however, is about the Al Quada network, and where various factions come from, and from what we've all read and heard about Al Quada, it seems that at least 99% of these fighters and leaders come from 3rd world countries, while much of the financing appears to come from these same nations, but from the often fanatical ruling families, whether it be Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, or Indonesia, in the form of royalty or capitalist elites. The only known major exception to the financing aspect is the US funding of the Mujahidden, (the early make-up of Al Quada's core, with many of its leaders going on to head up Al Quada, including bin Laden).
Its the "fighter" aspect that keeps Al Quada alive, though. Without the 'man-fodder', Al Quada becomes nothing more than another "crime-family" in the world. Since the invasion of Iraq, Al Quada's membership rolls have grown exponentially worldwide. It seems to me that this would increase the risk of more terrorist events worldwide eventually. Experts blame this increase in risk on certain US policies, including, the invasion of Iraq, Abu Ghriab, Gitmo, US rejection of Geneva Convention standards, etc. While these policies are likely the cause that finally tipped the scales, they are not the original underlying cause of the problem; the problem being the swelling ranks of Al Quada and allies fighters. This is the part that causes the greatest risk to society, in terms of violence.
Let's take a look at these "fighters" from all of these poor countries and try to understand why they might choose to join the ranks of Al Quada, etc. Its hard for many of us, (able to afford to read this on the internet), to imagine what it's like to live without indoor bathrooms, without electricity, without decent drinking water, without adequate shelter, without enough food, without medical facilities, with high infant mortality rates, low life-expectancy rates, brutal oppression, torture, etc., and for many of these people this is all they've ever known for generations. More than a billion people in the world live in appauling conditions, and they all want better lives, and more and more are starting to try more radical approaches.
Now, how des this come back to haunt us in the western world, you may ask. Well, while these people may be poor, that doesn't make them stupid. First of all, many work or worked for corporate giants like Hilton, McDonalds, Bechtell Corp., Haliburton's KBR, mining companies, shipping companies, etc. They see what "United Fruit" gets away with in their home countries, and they know 1st hand the treatment by Nestles and Kraft. They know Dow is polluting their only supply of drinking water, and they see their lands devestated and their harbours destroyed by Exxon and Chevron, and they see their own suffering increase, while these corporations and the crooked politicians these corrupt companies buy in these poor countries get richer and richer. And, these corporate and political criminals cannot say they do not see what poverty is doing to their nations, otherwise they would have no reason to live in high-class barred and fortified communties.

Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year to all. But, i fear, for many, it will be far from happy. Around the world, especially in 3rd world countries, the Christian calendar new year, is already bringing much sorrow into hundreds of millions of lives, especially those who are of other than the Christian faith. I don't believe this is the "hand of God" punishing sinners. I believe that this is more "Satan's work" than to believe God would strike dead millions of innocent children and babies. We may be nearing the culmination of the "1000 year rule of the devil". And, to me, "satan", or the devil, if you prefer, is nothing more than the culmination of evil in the world. And, "evil" comes from within, starting with such "sins" as greed, jeolousy, envy, etc., feelings that lead to action sins like murder, stealing, torture, etc.
In the Bible, it says that the "love of money is the root of all evil". Now, let's be sure we understand this; "the love of money", i believe we can interpret simply as greed, especially considering that "greed" is considered one of the "7 deadly sins". Greed, then, is the "root"; the "root" being the source of "life" for "all evil", not just some, or most, but "all" evil.
(Why i believe we are nearing the end of the "thousand-year rule of satan", is based on Old Testament, New Testament, Greek, Masadonian, etc. writings. In the Old Testament, God says that the people he hated the most because of all their evil, were the people of Gog and Magog, not Egyptians, Syrians, Babylonians, etc., but Magog and Gog; a land lying at the north part of the caucuses mountains, as according to the Scriptures. God says He will lock these people away from the rest of the Earth, with iron and bronze, for a thousand years, then, he will unleash their evil upon the Earth for one thousand years, the "rule of the devil". Sometime in the last couple of centuries BC, Alexander The Great is said to have sealed a passage at the south of the caucuses mountains, with iron and bronze, at the request of peoples in his empire, which were complaining about the pillaging hordes from the mountains. In the 9th century ad, the Khazar Empire, (which occupies the same land territory as the old Kingdoms of Gog and Magog, in the northern caucuses mountains, found their isolated situation and very existence in grave jeopardy. They were in the middle of the crossroads of the "Holy Crusades", and Christians from the west and Muslims from the east were converging in battle in the Khazar Kingdom. As their peoples were more and more drawn into the wars, the leaders sought a solution to the impending peril. So, the Khazar Kings decreed that all the peoples of the Khazar Kingdom should convert to Judaism. Thus, they were left mainly in peace after their "conversion". Now remember, this was not a "conversion" of "faith", so much as it was of convenience and "necessity". This new group of "Jews", (and obviously, i question their validity of them even calling themselves real Jews), went on to become the bulk of the Eastern European Jews of today. By the middle ages, this group was also associated with much of European wealth, including the famed Knights Templar and the Knights of Malta monies. And, what better method to evil ends than the control of the world money systems. These monies fueled the great evil feudal empire system, that suppressed and tortured many innocent serfs and others. These were the same feudal systems that bred the Spanish and other European Inquistions. It is these same so-called "Jews" who were resettled in the new state of Israel, in 1948. And, if you read the Bible, you will find that God said the Jews must wonder the Earth, without a homeland, (because of their evil backsliding and worship of the "Golden Calf", symbol of money, while they were in the dessert, and Moses was getting the "10 Commandments"), until God, "in person" came back to establish their new homeland. Now, i don't know about you, but i don't recall where God was personally present, in 1948, when the state of Israel came into being. So, therefore, i cannot recognize Israel as the homeland of the real people of God. Also, the "final battle" in the Bible is Not "Armageddon". Read it, God will fight the "final battle", several years after "Armageddon, with God's arch enemy peoples of Gog and Magog, and that battle will be fought in the "hills of Jeruselum"; further evidence that the people of Magog inhabit the homeland of the "Jews" today. Also, there are Many Jews who believe in the Bible and also do not believe that present day Israel is the promised Jewish homeland. They still faithfully await God's return for the establishment of their homeland.
Anyway, it is based on those "historical" references that i believe we are nearing the end of the"1000 yr. rule of evil".)
Now, to get back to the events of this new year; with the "root of all evil" being the "love of money", the greediest people in the world are running it today. Their monies are heavily invested in war-making capabilities, energy, and drugs, (legal and illicit), and these same people are in charge of making national policies. Prime example being GW Bush and cabinet, as well as much of the Congress and Court heirarchy. Bush family investments are mainly in oil, defense, and pharmaceuticals. The present Iraq war has boosted the Bush family income by several hundred percent over the last 3 years. And, this Is a direct conflict of interest in the Bush presidency, because of the way that the trusts, from the family investment profits, are set-up. They are distributed in much the same way as the bin Laden family monies, which means each sibling and parent receives an equal share of the profit distributions.
I can't understand why people, especially so-called Christians, can't see why this Iraq war, and many other Bush policies, are directly connected to Bush's and other elites bank accounts, and not to sound policy for America.
Maybe, this will be the year of the "great awakening" of the American public. That is my new year's wish.

Thursday, December 16, 2004
At this point in the USA election process, the silence of the mainstream media, especially the national television networks, (in regards to the over 57,000 election process complaints nationwide, the election fraud being uncovered in both Florida and Ohio, the order of recounts in several states by other presidential candidates), indicates, at the very least, a woefull violation of journalistic ethics and media responsibility, or at worst, a willing cooperation with others, who are also violating the law of the land---The Constitution!! In doing so, they commit treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Considering that each mainstream media network, (nbc, abc, cbs, fox, cnn, msnbc,), is owned and run by members of America's wealthiest 200 families, and considering that this election could effect the condition of their wallets, i would say that the latter of the above stated choices was true, since corporate america favors their Republican candidates over the once "populist" Democrats, (although there are plenty of corporate Democrat leaders, as well). And, they probably really wouldn't object to the corporate kerry that much. I dare say, they would accept the corporate clinton or schumer, as well.
The problem is, there are only a few families, (probably about a dozen, or so), that make the final decisions, in this country, and right now, their vast majority are adament for a final push into the new corporate order, an order which intends to enslave us and our children, and our children's children; an enslavement of poverty, disease, violence, intimidation, fear, death, torture, starvation, forced labor, terror, and more.
Is this what we want for our children and loved ones???! Then, we've got to stand up and fight, and do whatever is necessary to prevent such evil from befalling us. There are lots of things we can do to stop a complete corporate take-over of the entire planet. But, 1st we have to know How we got here! Otherwise, we'll never be able to truely escape corporate tyranny. (When i refer to the word "corporate" here, i am referring Only to the Fortune 500 group. There are many local corps. that do good for their communities.).
This will obviously be a very annotated version of our history, but i will include many links, including to gov't. sites, the Bible, mainstream media including "local", and others.
We must begin by realizing that, right from the beginning, there was elite leadership, and that the rank and file have been at odds with their leaders from the start. When America won its revolution against England, over 90% of those who spilled their blood were non-landowners. Yet, when the Founding Fathers set up governance, they renegged on a promise to involve all those who fought so bravely for independence, in the say of their government. But, we must also remember to keep things in perspective. For their time, our Founding Fathers were Very liberal, (and that's before the word "liberal" got attached to so much crap during the Cold War). They were also Very wise men for being so many at one time in one place. They were smart enough to realize that royalty wasn't the only threat to American-style democracy, but corporations could be just as evil a threat. So, for the most part, corporations were strictly limited accross the former 13 colonies. They were limited to a maximum 5 year existence, and their activities were limited to charitable and public works projects Only! And, Jefferson, denied the re-charter of the national Bank, believing there should be No national corporations, only small, well-controled state corporations. This was after all, the beginning of the Industrial Age, and great wealths could be made, that might exceed the wealths of the present landed aristocracy and mercantile elite.
The elite were not limited to our Founding Fathers, they also included the ranks of the Torries, with even closer ties to Brittish royalty. The Torries did everything, but personally fight, (and why should they shed their blood, when they could afford to shed the blood of a thousand other men), to prolong the war, (on behalf of their Brittish royal patron, King George and family), and caused many unnecessary deaths and maimings of the new Americans. These Torries had enormous wealth, but the Founding Fathers were in the majority and had the backing of the populace. Not eliminating these Torries, after the Revolution, would come back to haunt the experimental democracy the Founding Fathers had created. Among the 1st of their treasonas acts was to create "secret societies", in and out of colleges, to subvert, in any way possible, the fledgling democracy, through power gained from wealth.
By the 1820s, "populism" broke out again, and under Jackson, the white non landowner won the right to vote. But, each time suffrage is expanded, the elite find ways of preserving their wealth and therefor their power. (That is why you find that both GW Bush and Kerry are related to Brittish royalty; bloodlines which date back to the "Dark Ages" of feudalism.). Because of our Founding Fathers' liberalism and popularity, it took until the 1840s for the decendents of the feudal lords and the Torries, to grasp control of American power. It was during this time that the national bank was re-created. Soon after, America would embark on empire-building, with the Mexican War and the conquest of Hawaii. By this time, railroad, steel, banking, and other robber-barons were gaining more and more power; enough power to corrupt even the American gov't. But, the people were not ready to let go of the ideas and idealism of the Revolution. And, there were great power struggles between the elites, with the Torrie/feudal lord group gaining ever more power. By the 1850s, "the writing was on the wall". The elite prepared for the struggle by redirecting the populace's discontent to Civil War, and duping a good-hearted young man into becoming the leader of the new cause to "free" the slaves. When Lincoln's usefullness was done, he was disposed of. From the end of the Civil War on, the "old guard" elite, from feudal days, would rule America, and eventually the world. After the Civil War, "populism" didn't arise again until the Guilded Age, the age of the robber baron. The "Wild West" years would commence following the Civil War. Many of these "outlaws" were fighting what they saw to be the vast inequities between the average American and the robber-baron elite, especially the railroad and banking interests. By the end of the 19th century, the robber-baron feudal elite were powerful enough to compete with their worldwide counterparts, to challenge them for global supremacy.
But, then came the "Populists" to challenge the oppression of the robber-baron elite, especially the Rockefellars. While many Americans lived in poverty and unsanitary conditions, elites like the Hearst's and Rockefellars were competing to see who could build the biggest, most ostentatious mansions and castles in America. Once again, a few changes were made to quiet the rebellion, but within a dozen years, the elite were moving ahead again with their feudalistic intentions. In the early 1900s, the agregious Federal Reserve was created, putting America's financial future officially into the hands of the international banking elite. (This triumph is still celebrated by the decendents of those elitists, who remain on the Fed's board of directors. That's right, the same families that were on the 1st board are still the board members of 2004.). The income tax also reared its ugly head. Supreme Court decisions were unscrupulously in favor of big business. People became discontented once again, by the opulent shows of wealth of the elite, while the rest of the population became even poorer. So, the elite brought us WW1 and the 1st modern plague, the influenza bug. Between the 2, the earth's population was substantially reduced, which made the elite happier, because the vast majority of lost human life came from the poorer populations around the world. And, the elite would follow these atrocities with the Great Depression, in response to the public trying to organize, mainly through unions. And, mainly in response to the "Progressives", like LaFollette of Wisconsin, and Huey Long of Louisianna. Even the elite Roosevelt family, (like Julius Caesar did centuries earlier), felt things had gone to far and tried to come to some aid of the public. Teddy brought forth many restraints upon the accumulation of wealth by the elite, through anti-trust and other laws. In retalliation, the world got the stock market crash heard round the world, in 1929, followed by the Great Depression and open gang warfare in the streets of NY and Chicago, and other major cities.
After the Great Depression of the 1930s, Franklin realized the overwhelming burden put on the backs of average Americans, and realizing too that a starved, oppressed, half dead workforce was useless even to the elite. By the beginning of WW11, a whole new social structure was in place, to provide a minimal "safety net" for those other than just the elite. It was during this time that the elite began, in earnest, to establish the worldwide corporate empire. It was also at this time that the elite sought to "create" a "super race" of mindless laborers, who wouldn't complain and who could do the work of several average human beings. They chose and financed Germany's Hitler, (who was actually born in Austria), to build the corporate fascist state prototype. America's elite, including Prescott Bush, (the grandfather of the current American ruler), and the families that ran GE, Ford, GM, IBM, AT&T, Chase/Morgan Bank, and others financed and, through their media, promoted Hitler and his fascist state. They supplied fascist armaments, funding, and everything Hitler needed to conquer Europe. But, Hitler let his own meager power go to his head, and when he attacked England, the elite decided he had gone too far. Much of WW11 was a disquise for a power-struggle, among the elite, to gain control of the vast fossil fuel energy sources, in the Middle and far East, as it was to promote the new corporate fascist state. When the war was over, America's elite emerged as the new world empire power. The 1st modern corporate fascist state had failed, and fascism was as discredited as the elite's earlier experiment, the communist state. The Cold War, which followed, was a further guise for the elite to continue transferring public wealth into their own pockets, by profiting from the arms race, because controlling the military-industrial complex, of any society, is Key to maintaining power!!!
The next major popular uprising occured in the late 1950s and the 1960s, popularly known as the "60s". There was a youth rebellion to the IBM stuffed-shirt image, the elite wanted to promote; an image of good little workers all in a row. Tract housing and comformity were the order of the day. At the same time, there was much unrest in the Black community, because they had just helped fight another American war and were still inhibited by injustices left over from a century earlier. There were poll taxes, separate eating and rest room facilities, all sub-standard to the white man's, and lynchings and more, throughout the south and midwest, and things weren't much better up north. A hundred years later and you wonder why we shed the blood of 600,000 American citizens, in a war, the textbooks tell us, was fought to free the Black man. Can there ever be true freedom for any disenfranchised, even in the illusion that is "American democracy"???!
This mixture of groups, including "peace and love" hippies opposing the Viet nam war, the civil rights movement, the poor, and later women and gays and others, temporarily united, to create the next great "populist movement" in America, opposing the policies of the elite.
Now, here is where history is close enough to the present generation, for it to be able to grasp the meaning of the following; These movements were All put to rest through "divide and conquer", (especially using the mainstream media), and systematic slaughter of the movements' leaders, including members of their own class, such as the Kennedys.
This feudal elite which 1st regained control of American power by the mid 19th century, was becoming more greedy and more evil with each passing generation. They networked society's proffessionals, religious leaders, politicians, law enforcement, media(which they owned), created think tanks, civic organizations, political training, and worked with strategically placed professionals, such as journalists and judges and other key individuals and groups in societal structure. They created an image of America, which was merely an illusion---the rags to riches potential of America over other countries. This ensured the continuous flow of cheap foreign labor into the American labor market, keeping American wages down. The world's poor have been knocking on America's door, in the hopes of achieving the illusive dream that is "America", since the time of the Founding Fathers.
The key strategy that they use on the public as a whole, is "divide and conquer", whether it be through war, civil strife, race divisions, religious differences, etc. This and bribe, blackmail, or kill off the people in society's "key" positions. These victims, and or accomplices, included Guevera, Kennedys, King, Malcolm X, major figures in the rock movement, labor movement, gov't., religion, the media, etc. Whatever they cannot corrupt and co-opt, they destroy, (and, often they prefer destruction over co-opt, unless it will make them richer to corrupt and co-opt). In the 1980s, without a major war to keep the flow of average Americans' money flowing into the pockets of the feudal aristocracy, we saw the emergence of the leveraged buyout, jobs transferred to cheap overseas labor, tax law changes favoring the wealthy, junk bonds, S&L and banking scandals, the CIA, (the elite's ket intelligence organization), putting new dangerous drugs on American main streets, in order to raise money for weapons for S. American, elite-sponsored, guerrillas to overthrow legitimate gov'ts. in S. America, so that corporate america could re-establish its enslavement policies, in the region; (an action which the American public opposed and the Congress voted illegal).
That brings us to today's "populist movement", again with the anti-corporate theme. In this era, we know the corporate fascist state by its new name---"globalism". The elite we are dealing with today are far more capable of much greater evils than their ancestors were, in the "Dark Ages".
So, by using such methods as stirring up hatred, using the race card and most popularly, the religious card, the elite keep us divided, and when we do unite, they co-opt or kill off the leadership of populist movements. They form temporary alliegences, (as with the mafia, oppressive dictators, and other criminal elements), to distract and terrorize the public even more. They use wars and economic pressures to punish us. And, they are capable of far worse, including unleashing a devastating world plague, or using a nuclear device on a segment of the population, especially if they feel cornered, (being as closely related to rats as they are).
So, how do we get out of our present situation? We either stand and fight or we surrender our and our childrens' future to their corporate enslavement. Many will say, "My God, a plague or a nuclear holocaust; maybe we should just let them have their way." Their way includes torture, enslavement, terror, fear, poverty, environmental diseases, slow and painful deaths, etc., not only for us, but for future generations, as well. Their plan for entire world conquest is very near completion. We must act very soon, or it will be a moot point. I, for one, prefer to die for freedom than to choose enslavement for myself and others.
I fear that the election fraud protests, the war protests, the environmental protests, and all the other protests will eventually have to be taken to a higher degree of action. I fear revolution will be the only way of breaking the chains of corporate fascist feudal power. And, we must be prepared to take this unavoidable step, and the consequences that may likely result, because until we have completely rid the world of this elite class that has been gaining power for over a thousand years, we shall never be free. Sure, many argue that a new class of elite will spring up to take their place. I agree that this is an inevitable act of historic repetition.
However, we must keep 2 things in perspective, #1, the demise of this elite class will give others, of similar desires, pause to think about what could happen to them. This alone, will spare the next generation or 2.
2nd, and most importantly, it took over a thousand years for the current elite to acquire enough power to attempt to re-create feudalism in society. This will give reprieve to several generations, and by that time, hopefully we will have evolved into a more fair, equality-based, more peaceful human race.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
you know what? i think a lot of us are disgusted, discouraged, and fed up, not just with the criminal republicans in office, but also with the chicken-shit democrats, who allowed the election to be stolen Again, through voter machine tampering of unsecured, no paper trail, so-called voting machines, owned by republican-supporting interests; through voter fraud and intimidation; through outright disenfranchisement, etc. shame on you dems for standing by and letting this happen!! do you think we're all stupid??!! you dems failed us in 2000 too, when Not one senator stood up to object to bush's selection, not even so-called liberals like traitor ted kennedy. don't you think a Lot of us are seeing what you elitists are trying to do---turn America into a 'country-club' democracy??!!!well, while there may well be a lot of stupid rednecks here in America, there are a Lot more people who are waking up to your elitist reality; and when the draft starts, and you start stealing our children, while babying your own, and when gas prices reach $3. a gal., and when state and local taxes become too much burden, remember we are still Americans, and we will follow in our Founding Fathers' footsteps, and you better pray to God we haven't reached the attitude of peasantry of the 18th century French revolution, because, you know that pampering your elite generation got, by not participating in your parents Vietnam war, and the pampering you've done with your brats during both gulf wars?, well, that has weakened your incestuous lines even more, and since you've left no part of the Earth unscorched and without poverty, there will be No place for the elite to hide, because revolution in America will mean worldwide rebellion. thus far, the elite have kept us divided and fighting each other, but the internet, modern communications and travel are uniting us more and more every day, and soon, there will be enough of us who realize what's going on, and we Will make a difference! and for all you so-called God-fearing Christians, who put all your eggs into the "faith" basket, i ask you the same thing Christ asked in 1st Corinthians, 'Of faith, hope, and charity, which is the greatest'? if you're smart enough, or Christian enough to know the answer, then you know that even with faith enough to move mountains, (and i've seen no one, on Earth, with that much faith), without charity, you have Nothing!!!Bryant was right, over a hundred years ago; 'democrats and republicans are tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee'!you people got us all worked up and excited, we did more than most before us, to make a change, and what did we get, one elitist surrendering all our efforts and hard work to his elitist 9th cousin, not with a bang, but with a whimper!i feel really sorry for all the elitists, when those, more attuned to the sword are awakened by those of us more inclined to the pen. and, it is only a matter of time, before those of action join us of words, just as Washington joined Paine.

Friday, October 29, 2004
I know i don't post here very often, but when i do, i like to believe i have something important to say. Just about everyone likes to believe that he or she has something significant to contribute in a democratic society, from time to time. After all, isn't that what its all about; everyone's voice being heard. Even the old homeless crazy guy, walking down the street, mumbling things aloud, is expressing his opinion.
Away, today, i'd like to address the issue, in America, of the myth that religion and wholsomness belong to the Republican conservative right-wing. I think the common perception is that Dems are liberal and therefor more decadent than the Rep right. First, most of that is based on talk, and the corporate-owned media repeats it over and over again. And, corporate America is just using the ignorant religious right for its own goal--power and greed.
If the religious right took the time to study their Scriptures, they would learn that just because they claim to have a lock on "faith", over the "liberal dems", faith is Not everything. In fact, Christ said that a person can have all the faith in the world and be able to move mountains, but without something else, that person has "nothing"! Christ asked which is greatest of "faith, hope, and charity". Charity is the greatest. Read 1st Corinthians, ch. 13, and you will see that, in God's eyes, charity is greater than faith and hope, and without charity, though one has faith to move mountains, one has "nothing". Charity is the act of giving from the heart, to those less fortunate. But its more than just sending a check to your favorite "charity", it is a way of life. It is helping others wherever and whenever we see a need, daily.


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